37 thoughts on “FORM ONE 2023 ADMISSION LETTER”

  1. Can I get a chance in F2.for my boy? He had 374 in KCPE, I enrolled him at Kibabii Boys last year and would to transfer him to St. Anthony.

  2. Morning Sir,
    Kindly, I request for an admission in your school. My boy got 269 marks in one of the schools in Nairobi. I come from Transzoi and will be happy my boy to be in our home school. Western schools are the best.
    Kindly teacher, I will appreciate your assistance.
    Tell. 0721743225 what’sapp number.
    Be blessed

  3. EMMANUEL DAUDI DODO INDEX: 01115304047 ENG 47C KIS 58C+ KSL = = MAT 58C+ SCI 62B- SSR 60B- TOTAL 285 KNEC HELPLINE 0800724900

    Here are my boy’s results
    Am in coast and from the performance of your school I would really want to get the boy in your school kindly help.

  4. Kindly, I requested for admission in your school. My boy score 291 mark’s in one of the West pokot school. I will appreciate for your assistance.

    Tell. 0703330290 Whatsapp number.
    Be blessed.

  5. My boy boy he has done this year kcpe and he got 347 I request to join in your school my what’s number 0710351154

  6. My Sone scored 345 marks kindly admit my son in your school from nairobi, he is also super good in sports ( football)

  7. I kindly request for form one admission in your school, my son got 384mks. Plz ,if considered
    Tell: 0715667590 WhatsApp God’s blessings

  8. My son got 362 and would be happy to join form 1 and St Anthony Boys kitale. How can I get an opportunity for my child admission

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